How design thinking could save your dying website

Design thinking is all about being human. The methodology focuses on three essential aspects: empathy and human centeredness, ideation, prototyping and experimentation.  When done correctly, it helps businesses effectively manage…

Signs that your registration form is due for redesign

Web registration forms can make or break lead generation strategies and sales. Expedia for example, lost $12 million by adding an extra field to their sign-up form that confuses customers…

Serif vs Sans-Serif: How to increase your website’s readability by more than 50%

Each font has its own personality. Times New Roman evokes a feeling of authority, respect and stability; while Helvetica is associated with modernity and cleanliness. Sarah Hyndman in her Ted…

What is UX/UI & Why is it so Important?

UX stands for user experience and UI stands for user interface. Although these terms are used interchangeably by many people, and do overlap in many aspects they are, in fact, quite…